Chen Su
I hate cooking. But sometimes you
just have to cook, say, when your significant other(s) is not around and
you have no mood to go to a restaurant yet still not down enough to a McDonald
again. I tried to figure out some ways to cook a decent meal as fast as
one can. Most of the time it is a disaster. But there is a God, isn't it?
After all kinds of mess, I have some really big hits. And here is one of
my favorites.
One cube of Tofu
Five pieces of large snow-white mushroom
A bottle of Ragu pasta source (any
variety except light-style, I don't like fat-frees)
Some green onion
Salt, soy source, vegetable oil
Four large eggs
Beat eggs until foam appears; Add
a little salt to egg fluids;
In a large frying pan, add a little
veggie oil and pour egg fluids into it when oil is hot;
When the eggs become not so liquidy,
remove them from pan (do not overcook!);
Wash the pan and dry it using paper
towel; add a little oil; slice mushroom; when oil is hot, add mushroom
to the pan;
Add small amount of salt and soy source
and Sauté mushroom;
Meanwhile cut Tofu into tiny cubes;
pour half bottle of pasta source into pan with cubed Tofu; simmer for three
Remove the pan from oven and add eggs
into it. Cut the eggs into small pieces in the pan using a wooden or plastic
spoon; stir the dish so that egg pieces get mixed with the rest of materials;
Add minced green onion as needed.
And it is done! You can pour this
dish onto a plate of drained spaghetti, or have it with rice.
Serving size: four to two, depending
on your appetite.